Category: Erotic Stories

Office Voyeurs

Marie Jenkins closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of her tired neck and shoulders, it had been a long day, and now here it was almost ten thirty at night and she still had a pile of reports to go over before tomorrow’s big meeting!!! Deciding to take a five minute break, she stood up and stretched, and for some reason, she cupped her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples!!! All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated to her pussy, which by now was literally dripping and throbbing in anticipation of a much needed orgasm!!! “Not now,” she moaned, “I’ve got a lot of work to finish up,” but in her heart she knew that only way that she’d ever get done was if she could get some relief for her now erect clit!!! Forgetting momentarily that while she was alone in her office and on the twenty eighth floor, the blinds on her windows were wide open, offering any amateur voyeur who happened to be peeking a perfect view of everything she was doing!!! As she continued to caressing her breasts, her breathing became much more labored until finally she jerked up her dress and began furiously fingering her wet cunt until her whole body shuddered as it was consumed by a crushing climax!!! She collapsed back into her chair gasping for breath as the cool air wafted over her very satisfied pussy, while an hour later after finishing up her paper work she snapped of the lights to her office and headed off for home to a hot bath and a warm bed!!!


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Office Blackmail

Alex slowly pushed his rolling trash receptacle from desk to desk, stopping at each one to empty the small trash containers, dump the ash trays, and give each desk top a quick dusting if necessary! “Boy,” he thought to himself, “they all got MBA’s, but they still don’t know enough not to toss half filled cups of coffee into their trash cans!!!” Alex was in charge of cleaning three offices on the twenty eighth floor, one an insurance brokerage firm, another an import export company, and finally, the largest one, an investment banking company, which happened to be the one he was working on right now! It was easy work, and by working nights he didn’t have the hassle of bad traffic, and he could also spend his days doing what he really loved, which was to paint!!! After coming to the end of the row, he ducked into a small private office and was in the process of dumping the trash when a memo written in red caught his eye! He picked it up and read, “Bolling Industries being sold within 60 days, stock currently at selling at 33 1/2, for sure price will double, maybe even do better than that. My advice is to buy in small lots using off shore and foreign accounts, if we do it right, we can make a half a million easy. Be careful. V.” Alex stared at the memo for a minute or two, letting the magnitude of what he was reading sink in!!! If, and this was a big if, if this was true, V was taking part in a little insider trading, a definite no-no!!! Alex shoved the crumpled note into his shirt pocket and continued with his rounds!!!


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Staying After School

“Finally,” Krista muttered under her breath, “the last period of the day is about over, just three more minutes and I’m outa here!!!” “Eighth period English Lit, what a lousy way to finish up the school day!!!” “Okay, class,” Miss Redmond ordered, “pages 213 thru 247 for tomorrow, be ready for a quiz!!!” While the whole room groaned in unison, Miss Redmond locked eyes with Krista and gave her a small nod, “Oh, crap,” Krista thought, “she wants me to stay after again, and today of all days!!!” The final bell rang, and all twenty seven students filed out into the hall and headed off for their lockers and then home, except, for Krista, who hung around and waited for her last classmate to clear the room! “Krista, please lock the door while I pull the window shades shut,” said Miss Redmond a matter of factly! Resigned now to the notion that she was stuck, Krista shuffled over and flipped the latch on the door before returning to her seat in the front row! After closing the shades, Miss Redmond sat down on the front edge of her desk and said, “Well, dear, I just want to remind you that you’re pulling about a C-minus, but thanks to our little agreement, you can count on receiving an A on your report card!” Krista leaned back in her seat and replied, “Thank you, Miss Redmond, I certainly appreciate it!!!” “I know you do, dear, but now it’s time to show me just how much you do appreciate it,” as she hiked up her dress revealing stocking clad legs and garter belt with no panties!!!”


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Welcome Home Honey

Zak skillfully maneuvered the big Lincoln through a maze of traffic and on to the off ramp of the expressway! As he slid into local traffic he adjusted the radio for some easy listening and thought to himself, “Almost home, and boy am I tired and hungry, and what a day, non stop from eight until six, I hope Katie has something good ready for supper!!!” He thought about Katie and how lucky he had been to meet someone so beautiful and smart at the same time, and how after three years of marriage just the mere sight of her naked body nearly drove him insane with lust!!! Finally he turned onto Carriage Way Court and drove the last three blocks to his split level colonial at the end of the street! He parked the car in the garage and opened the connecting door to the mud room which was just off of the kitchen, and his nostrils were immediately filled with the aroma of roast chicken and rice!!! “All right,” he mumbled, “one of my favorites,” as he popped into the kitchen expecting to see Katie working over the stove!!! What he saw, however, was his wife working over the stove, but what was so startling was that she was stirring the gravy while just wearing a pair of high heeled shoes and a frilly lace apron!!! When she heard the door opening behind her she spun around to face him and said seductively, “Supper’s almost ready, dear, would you care for and appetizer!?!”


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7 More Spins of the planet

It didn’t take me long to get back here to post, now did it?  I have been busy as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, getting all sorts of stuff done.  One of the biggest things is I am in the process of preparing my house for sale.  I know, it ain’t porn, but I sure feel tired like a mofo when I get to the end of the day.  In the last month I have painted 5 rooms (flat white ceilings, color walls, semi-gloass white mouldings) and cleaned a bunch more, installed a central vacuum system, and generally cleaned everything up.  I still have 2 rooms left to work on, but I will get it done.  Sort of kicks my ass, it is really a ton of work.

In between all that, I manage to crank out some stuff.   New model of the week is Kissable Kaydin, a real sweet florida girl with a super hot bod.  No huge tits or anything, just a normal stunning beach babe that is a treat to see naked.    You can also check out some hot action with sexy teen pornstar Micah Moore, she seems like a ton of fun.   As always, there is also some fresh pornstories on 4 Free Stories.

Don’t forget to check out Porniki, the porn wiki.  I have been working on that site and adding new stuff every day, including working on some new category portals that are really cool.  You can also check out the Pornpig to get your daily dose of porn from all over the place.

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Interview for a Secretary

“Well, I’m happy to see that your shorthand and typing skills are up to snuff, Miss Egan, now how are you on a computer,” asked the interviewer!?! “Very good,” Melanie replied, “I’ve had extensive training on all of the major business soft wear products and am familiar with all types of pc’s!!!” Dee Waller drummed her fingers on her desk while studying Melanie Knox’s file, set it down, and began slowly, “You realize that the position you are applying for is that of executive secretary for Stanton Ingalls, the chief operating officer of this firm?!?” Melanie nodded her head and replied, “Yes, I feel that I have all of the qualifications necessary to do a excellent job for Mr. Ingalls, I’ve been in the business for twelve years now, and feel I’m ready for the big time!!!” Leaning back in her chair with her fingers interlaced behind her head, Miss Waller continued carefully, “This is a delicate position, and one that requires the utmost in discretion, Mr. Ingalls will be entrusting you with many confidential details of the inner workings of our company!!!” I understand perfectly,” Melanire replied, “my behavior at my previous employment has been above reproach, so I feel Mr. Ingalls can hire me with the utmost confidence!!!” “I’m sure of that,” Dee went on, “but the job also requires, ah, how should I put it, a more hands on and personal relationship with Mr. Ingalls!!!”


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Teen Tennis Phenom

She had all of the shots and a lot more, and even though she was only eighteen, the other pros on the International Women’s Professional Tennis Tour said she was a “can’t miss”!!! Ever since she had picked up a racket at age three it was apparent to anyone who watched her that Raye Anne Malloy was a phenom!!! And not only was she a special tennis player, she also had the blonde good looks that plastered her face all over teeny bopper and women’s sports magazines!!! It was a well known fact in advertising circles that a Raye Anne Malloy cover meant at least a thirty percent bump in newsstand sales, which of course translated into increased advertising revenue!!! With a seven figure shoe deal and her own personal fragrance line, Raye Anne Malloy was about to take on the best in the world at their own game!!! On her own at eighteen was a daunting prospect, but Raye Anne relished the prospect of competing against the players she had idolized her whole life!!! She hopped out of the cab in front of the club house of the Banock Creek Country Club and asked the attendant to direct her to the locker room!!! She followed his directions to a tee and soon she was standing outside the door, nervously thinking that when she opened it, she would be meeting her heroes for the first time!!!


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Parent Teacher Meeting

Waiting impatiently for his scheduled meeting with his son’s ninth grade history teacher, Hobson Evert paced back a forth outside of her class room while she finished up a meeting with the parents of another student!!! He looked at his watch for the tenth time and muttered to himself, “What ever that kid did is no excuse to drag me down here at eight o’clock at night for a goddamn meeting, jesus christ, what the fuck are phones for anyway!!!” He was just about to stalk off in a huff when a gentle voice from the doorway called, “Mr. Evert, I can see you now, come in please and have a seat!!!” “Finally,” he thought, “let’s get the fucking show on the road,” while sitting down at a table set up over in the far corner of the room designed just for these parent teachers meetings!!! While the teacher was perusing a sheet of paper on her desk and marking off some names, Hob gave the middle aged old biddy the once over and agreed with his son, nice tits but a little on the dowdy side, but I’d fuck her if I had the chance!!!


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Mile High Club Meeting

“…..we’ll be cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet with and air speed of 480 knots, the weather is clear and we should reach Houston right on time, and thank you for flying World Air!!!” After Emma Burton had stared out the window at the fading lights of Seattle’s skyline, she ordered a Bloody Mary from the hostess and buried her nose in the new novel she had purchased at the airport news stand, and while she was just about getting into the plot when she was interrupted by her young seat mate, a college age boy sitting just to her right!!! “First flight,” he asked!?! “Uh, no,” she replied, “my grandchildren live with my son and his wife in Houston so I fly down a couple of times a year, I usually take the night flight because it’s a little cheaper, what about you!?!” “Oh, I go to school in Seattle,” he offered cheerfully, “but I’m a native Texan returning home to be in my buddy’s wedding!!!” She was about to go back to her reading, when the young man stuck out his hand and introduced himself, “Well since we’re going to be traveling together, my name’s Parker, Parker Price!!!” Emma took his hand, and with a firm grip replied, “It’s nice to make your acquaintance, Parker, I’m Emma Burton!!!”


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Well Hung Stock Boy

“Almost finished, Zack,” Judith asked, while the eighteen year old stock boy hefted a roll of roofing paper onto the shelf!?!” “Just about,” he answered, “I’ve still have some paint to restock, but other than that I’m pretty much through!!!” “Good,” she replied, “when you’re all done, stop in my office for a minute, will you please!?!” “Sure thing, Miss J,” he replied, “I’ll be there in ten minutes!!!” Zack had been working after school at the hardware store for about two years now, and while it wasn’t the greatest part time job in the world, it did provided him with a steady income! He placed the last gallon of paint neatly onto the shelf and said to himself, “All done,” while heading off to his boss’s office at the rear of the store!


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