Category: Erotic Stories

Naughty Phone Call

“…….okay, let me see if I’ve got it all down,” Linda said as she finished filling entering the order data into her computer terminal, “that’s two hundred of the XT40’s, sixty of the ZX35’s and forty of the ZX25’s, is that right!?!” “Good,” she replied, “that shipment will go out tomorrow at the latest, so you should have it by Friday afternoon, thanks for your order, good by!!!” She was just finishing up sending the order down to shipping when her boss stopped by her desk and asked, “How’s it going!?!” “Uh, pretty good, Don, I just filled and order for three hundred units,” she replied, “and over all it’s been a really good day!!!” He gave her a thumbs up and replied, “Well keep it rolling, we can sure use the business!!!” She was just about to reply when the order phone rang, so with a nod of her head to Don, she pressed a button on her terminal and answered into her mouth piece, “Order desk, how may I help you!?!”

From the other end of the line came a familiar voice that asked, “Linda, is that you, Tommy here, how have you been!?!” Linda quickly looked around the office to see if anyone was watching her, and when she was sure that the coast was clear, she answered in a subdued but very excited voice, “Tommy, it’s been a long time, how have you been!?!” “Just great, baby,” he replied enthusiastically, “do you have time to talk!?!” “It’s been pretty busy here today, but I think I can spare you a couple of minutes,” she replied quickly!!! “Mmmmm, good,” he said smoothly, “so how’s my girl, have you been behaving yourself!?!” “How do you mean that,” she asked in a husky voice!?! “You know what I mean,” he replied softly, “have you been getting fucked much lately!?!”


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Bare Bottom School

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, “Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn’t be too long!” She entered the Principal Solon’s office and said to his secretary, “Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!” A slight smirk spread over the secretary’s face as she replied, “Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I’ll find out!!!” “Go on in, he’s expecting you,” Georgia said, “and have a good time!!!” At that last remark, Krista Larson glanced back over her shoulder and gave the secretary a dark look before entering the principal’s office!!! Once inside she asked, “You wanted to see me Mr. Solon, I really have to hurry because I’m right in the middle of a class!?!” Ben Solon eyed the pretty thirty five year old social studies teacher and evenly, “Come over here and lift you skirt, I’m afraid you’ve been a bad girl again!!!”

An electric shiver ran down Krista Larson’s spine as she exposed her panty clad vagina and bottom to the stern administrator and he continued, “Haven’t I spoken to you before about being on time in the morning, today you were at least three minutes late!?!” “I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, “I’ll try to do better, I promise!!!” “I’m afraid it’s too late for sorrys,” he intoned evenly, “the only thing that you seem to understand is a hard spanking on your bottom!!!” He slid her tiny bikini panties off of her hips and let his eyes drink in the picture of her smoothly shaved pussy framed perfectly by the straps of her black garter belt!!!” “I’m afraid we have another problem, “he added sternly, “it seems as though your vagina is sexually aroused, and if memory serves me correctly we’ve talked about that before too, haven’t we, Krista!?!” “Yes, sir,” she replied softly, “are you going to spank me now!?!” “Yes I am, now lie down over my knees and be still,” he ordered her, “and don’t you dare cry out or I’ll give you an extra ten!!!”


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Enema Girl

“Follow me, please,” Chrissy said to Melanie while leading her to a room in the rear of the house, “have you been a good girl this week?!?” “Yes, Mistress,” Melanie replied softly, “I tried to do my best!” “Let’s hope so,” Chrissy replied, “Sir Gregory will be very disappointed if you have displeased him!!!” The two women entered a starkly painted white room that was set up a lot like a doctor’s examining room, complete with an examination table that even contained foot stirrups!!! “It’s good to see you again, Melanie,” commented Sir Gregory upon their entry, “come to me dear, and tell me, have you been obedient!?!” “Oh, yes,” she replied softly, “I’ve been a very good girl!!!” “We’ll see,” he said noncommittally, now lift up your dress so I can examine you!!!” As calmly as if she were undressing in her own bedroom, Melanie grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it to her chin, which exposed her panty less crotch to both Mistress Chrissy and her husband Sir Gregory!!! A light stubble of hair had begun to regenerate on Melanie’s bulging shaved vagina, but the real object of Sir Gregory’s inspection was the thick butt plug that was firmly in place inside Melanie’s rectum!!! “Very good, my dear,” he commented, “does it cause you any pain?!?” “Not much anymore,” she answered truthfully, “but I have to be careful when I sit down or it can get very uncomfortable!!!” “Your vagina seems to be aroused,” he noted, “have you masturbated at all this past week?!?” “Oh, no,” she replied quickly, “but I admit that I thought about it, because I’m wet all of the time now!!!” “Of course you are, dear,” he replied with a smile, “but now it’s time for your “treatment”, so Chrissy will help you with your clothes and you can get up on the table!!!”


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Massage Treatment

“So tell me, Mrs. Winthrop, how did you get my name,” asked Sergio while he was in the process of setting up his massage table!?! “I got it from Donna, Donna Atkins, she says you come very highly recommended!!!” “Well, I’ll thank Donna next time I see her,” Sergio replied smoothly, as […]

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The New Boy in School

“Well I think he’s cute,” Nancy said defensively, “just because he’s not the captain of the football team doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be fun to go out with!!!” Becky rolled her eyes in exasperation and replied, “Good grief, Nan, he looks like a wimp, do wanna go out with a guy you could probably beat up with one arm tied behind your back!?!” “Hrrrumph,” Nancy shot back, “I don’t plan on wrestling with him, after all, we’re going to a dance, not a professionally wrestling match!!!” “Just the same,” Becky said, “don’t come running to me when your date turns out to be a disaster!!!” Nancy shook her head a couple of time, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and waited for and answer, “Hello, is this Kevin, good, hi, this is Nancy, Nancy Blair, I’m in your fifth period civics class, I was just wondering if you had a date yet for the Girls Ask dance on Saturday night???” “Well, would you like to go with me, it should be a lot of fun!?!” “Good,” she replied after he accepted her invitation, “I’ll pick you up at six and we can grab a couple of burgers before we go, how does that sound!?!” “Okay then, I’ll see you then, bye!!!” Nancy then put the phone down and after turning to face Becky offered, “Well miss smarty pants, at least I’ve got a date, and that’s more than I can say for you!!!”


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Bisexual Delivery Guy

Jeremy rang the front bell and waited several seconds until the door swung open and a middle aged man invited him in! “That will be fifteen fifty,” Jeremy said as he pulled the large pepperoni pizza out of the “hot bag”!!! The man was ready with a twenty dollar bill and as he traded it for the piping hot pie he asked softly, “Do you have time for my usual!?!” Jeremy looked at his watch and replied, “I’m kinda in a hurry, but if we make if a quickie, I guess it would be all right!!!” “Oh thank you,” the man fairly gushed as he shoved an extra fifty into Jeremy’s hand, “I really appreciate it, I really do!!!”


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Carolyn Engel sat in the outer office of Dr. Matthews office paging through the latest weekly news magazine without really paying much attention to it, as her mind was on much more important things. Lifting her head out of the magazine, she glanced around the waiting room, trying to imagine what each of the people sitting there were seeing the doctor about. She made a quick observation that none of the other women in the room had her particular problem!!! There was one woman who had a nose that looked like a ski slope, while another looked like she had three chins instead of the usual one!!! No, she was the only one who was a candidate for breast reduction surgery!!! While most of the female population would probably not choose to have breasts the size of hers, most of them would never even think of going through what she was contemplating!!! Her thoughts were interrupted by the receptionist who announced, “Dr. Mathews will see you now, Miss Engel!”


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Bachelorette Dancer

“Okay now,” Bonnie asked for the last time, “you got everything under control!?!” “Uh, yeah,” he replied, “I’ve got the boom box, the CD’s, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that’s it!!!” “Good,” she answered, “make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours!!!” What if they pay me by check,” he questioned?!? “It doesn’t matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me and I’ll cut you a check,” she replied, “the tips are almost always in cash so you just pocket that!!!” “What time do you have to be there,” she continued on!?! “Seven o’clock,” he replied, “but I’m gonna get there about and hour early to get changed and set up!!!” “Good lad,” she added, “and by the way, Brian, good luck on your first gig!!!” “Thanks, boss,” he replied, and then he headed out the door!!! (more…)

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Samantha plopped down in front of her dressing room table while struggling to pull on her panty hose! “I just gotta lose some weight,” she said with a sigh, “I’m gonna die young if I don’t!!!” After finally getting them on and adjusted correctly, she stood up and slid her size 44DD bra over her shoulders while harnessing her massive breasts in her custom made brassiere!!! She stared at herself in the mirror for several seconds until the tears finally began streaming down her cheeks onto her chest!!! Never in her whole life had she felt so alone, and she was sure that it was her size that drove men away from her!!! This morning after her shower when she stepped on the scale it read 233 pounds, and a woman standing five feet six inches tall, well let’s just say that she was a little on the hefty side!!! She quickly wiped away her tears, pulled on her dress, and headed off to work, hoping against all hope that someday she would meet her prince charming!!!


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The Office Visit

The sounding buzzer on his intercom caused a frown to cross Sumner Holton’s face as he was wading through a series of depositions on a case he was preparing for trial the next day! He put down the documents and in a slightly irritated voice asked his secretary, “What is it, Alice, I asked not to be disturbed!?!” “I’m sorry, Mr. Holton,” she replied, “there is a young woman out here who claims to be your wife and is demanding to see you!!!” “My wife,” he exclaimed in surprise, “I’ll be right there, thank you, Alice!!!” He strode over to the door and upon opening it, sure enough, there standing next to Alice’s desk was Faye, his wife of three months!!! “Honey,” he said in a slightly strained voice, “what on earth are you doing here, I am absolutely swamped!?!”


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