Category: Erotic Stories

Born To Suck

Kate couldn’t help it! She wanted to stop but something inside her wouldn’t let her! Kate was from all appearances a normal eighteen year old senior in high school. Average looks, average grades, nice friends, good parents, nothing to worry about. Well not exactly, you see Kate was addicted to oral sex! She would suck anyone, anywhere, at anytime. She couldn’t be exactly sure of why, but all she knew was that she had a burning uncontrollable desire to have her mouth around a hard cock or her tongue buried in a hot warm pussy! Walking home from school, Kate had stopped off at the store to buy some school supplies!

The lady salesclerk was a fifty five year old spinster who probably had never had it from anyone in her life, but she had heard about Kate from one of her bridge partners, so when she recognized her, she decided to see if what she had heard was true. “Come with me,” she said to Kate, and the led her to the store room at the rear of the store. Not sure if she should try it, the older lady slowly lifted the front of her dress. She didn’t want to say anything, she just waited to see if Kate would really just “do” her. To her utter amazement, Kate dropped to her knees and pulled down the older woman’s panty hose and feverishly began eating her dripping pussy! She had never felt anything so wonderful! Without even asking, this cute little girl was licking her clit! Kate couldn’t get enough! She sucked and licked until the woman started to shake with her orgasm. When she was finished, the lady pulled up her panty hose and told Kate to wait there for a second. In a few minutes the lady had returned with the store manager Mr. Clemson. “Just stand in front of her,” she told him, “She’ll do the rest!”

A shocked Mr. Clemson then watched as Kate unzipped his trousers, pulled out his cock, and sucked him in deep! As Kate sucked him, the woman, now emboldened, gingerly reached down and began feeling Kate’s chest. When she got no resistance she slid her hand up under Kate’s skirt and slid her finger inside of her panties. She found that Kate was dripping like a leaky faucet! It had been a long time since she had felt a young woman’s body, and she couldn’t believe what a hot little bitch Kate was! She got around behind her and pulled Kate’s panties down to her knees, and while using both hands, she ran them up and down her ass and legs, finally putting her mouth on Kate’s crotch and licking the sweetest pussy she had ever tasted. Both Kate and Mr. Clemson were now moaning with pleasure, and Kate sucked even harder when she felt his tight nuts begin to tighten as sperm gushed into her eager mouth! Seconds later Kate’s own orgasm slammed her cunt just as the cum flew down her throat! She spent the next five minutes cleaning the now limp cock with her mouth, and the old spinster not wishing to miss out on one more chance at getting sucked off, stood next to Mr. Clemson with her dress pulled up and her panties down so that when Kate was finished the cleaning the cock she slid over and licked the hairy slit until the old cunt came one final time!

When she finally arrived at home, her mom told her that Tommy had called and wanted her to call him back as soon as she got home. When she got him on the phone all he said was, “At the library, tonight.” Kate immediately began to think of the big piece of meat Tommy had! He was one of her favorites! Usually he would get her off too, but a lot of the boys just left her hanging after they go their “nut”. Tommy was one of the more considerate ones, as sometimes he would even fuck her! Now that was a real treat!!! After dinner Kate excused herself and then headed for the library. It was only about a fifteen minute walk and as she strolled along, all she could do was think about how nice Tommy’s pecker tasted. When she got there Tommy was waiting for her on the front steps. He took her by the arm and led her to the second floor where the went way back into the far corner behind the periodicals. Tommy slipped his hand under Kate’s sweater and played with her nipples and tits, and just like he had told her, no bra or panties. Her nipples became hard as he twisted them between his fingers, he then asked her what she wanted, and she whispered back, “To your suck your penis.” “Let me see your tits first,” he said, “lift up your sweater, show me!!!” Kate pulled up her sweater exposing her chest to the young stud as he leaned over and took a hard nipple into his mouth and greedily nursed on the hard nub. After a few minutes he stood up, unzipped his fly, and ordered Kate to take out his prick. After kneeling down, she slid her soft hand into Tommy’s pants and found his now hard dick. Gently she pulled the big boner into view where upon she started kissing the head of his now fully erect member. It was times like this that Kate was glad she was a female! There was just nothing like sucking the cock of a young stud, especially when they were hung like Tommy!

As she sucked on Tommy, Kate thought back about and incident that had happened when she was about six months ago. She had gone swimming with one of her friends but had to return home when she realized that she had left her pool pass in her room. When she got home she was a little surprised to see her dad’s car parked in the driveway. He should have been at work until at least five thirty and here it was only one o’clock.

On her way up to her room she was about to yell out, “I’m home!”, when she heard strange sounds coming from her parent’s bedroom. Her father was moaning as if he were in pain! When she got all the way upstairs she could see that their bedroom door was partially open, so she crept silently over and peeked inside. She couldn’t believe what she saw!!! On her knees and naked, her mom was sucking on her fathers penis! Kate had never seen her father’s cock before, and was amazed at it’s size! Her dad was moaning and almost pleading, “Suck it harder, Pat!” Her mom looked up and said, “You like my mouth on your pecker don’t you?!?” “Oh yes,” he moaned and for the next ten minutes Kate watched as her mom blow her dad’s big dick. Just when she thought that was all there was too it, her dad screamed, “I’m cumming!!!”, and then white stuff was flying everywhere out the end of his cock! Her mother not only didn’t try to get out of the way, she seemed to be trying to get as much of it into her mouth as she could! After her dad had calmed down Kate slipped into her room to get her pool pass and sneaked back out of the house. Although she never told anyone what she had seen, seeing her mother sucking off a big cock made her feel that sucking was a natural and good thing to do. Tommy was now doing what her dad had done six months ago, moaning and begging to cum in a woman’s mouth!

More than happy to oblige, Kate worked her mouth up and down the erect penis, stopping now and then to give the head a good hard suck. Tommy’s groan and nut tightening let Kate know that a load of cum was cumming her way! Kate thought Tommy had the sweetest cum, and as it shot into her mouth she ran it over her tongue, savoring it’s texture and taste, finally swallowing the precious nectar! After he had composed himself, Tommy kissed Kate deeply and slipped his hand under her skirt. No panties! Taking his finger he quickly found Kate’s clit and quietly jerked her off as Kate groaned as the orgasm filled her pussy while leaning against Tommy was the only way she kept from falling over! Afterwards, they both straightened their clothing and left the library arm in arm. Kate felt on top of the world and Tommy probably felt even better! Tommy turned to Kate and said, “Next week!” He then kissed her on the cheek and headed off into the night while Kate turned around and headed back towards her own house. Her own thoughts again, however, were on the cocks and cunts she so loved to suck!

The First Day

“It’s gonna be a great day,” Vance hummed to himself as he punched floor number twenty nine on the express elevator, “a new job in a new city, what could be finer!?!” Vance Hawkins was really looking forward to his new job as a systems analyst for an up and coming software firm, and although he had to leave his beloved Texas, it was the opportunity of a lifetime so he up and moved his wife and young son to Chicago to take up the new challenge!!! As he walked through the lobby of his new office, he marveled at what a break it had been meeting Mr. Davis at that convention in Las Vegas last January!!! He stopped at the receptionist’s desk outside the private offices, introduced himself to the stunning blonde sitting behind the big desk and said, “I’m Vance Hawkins and this is my first day on the job, could you please tell Mr. Davis that I’m here!?!” “Mr. Davis left a note for you, Mr. Hawkins,” the blonde replied with a big white toothed smile, “he’s expecting you in the conference room for the regular Monday morning meeting!!! After receiving directions to the conference room, Vance wandered back to the rear of the office complex, thanking his lucky stars for this new opportunity!!!

Vance stopped in front of the closed conference room door, straightened his tie, and with a slight bit of trepidation, opened the door and stepped inside!!! “Hello, Vance,” Miles Davis said while rising out of his chair at the head of the table, “listen up everyone,” he continued on, “this is the new systems guy we just hired and I want you all to make him feel at home!!!” Vance couldn’t even remember taking the hand of one of the men closest to him an shaking it, he was too far in a state of shock to remember much of anything, because as she stood there with his mouth hanging open, the ten men and three women sitting at the large conference room table were calmly masturbating as if it was the most casual thing in the world!!! (more…)

Take My Picture

“Jake, your two thirty is here,â€? Kiki informed her boss, photographer, Jake Klein. Without looking up from the proofs he was reviewing, he replied, “Set her up in studio three, and get the lighting set up!â€? “Sure thing, boss,â€? Kiki replied, “you’re gonna enjoy this one, she’s a stunner!â€? Hearing that, he put down his viewer and said, “Well in that case, get the video camera started, after all, she said she wants to be in pictures, so let’s not disappoint her!!!â€? Ten minutes later Jake breezed into studio and three and with an extension of his hand said, “Hi, I’m Jake, and you’ve already met my assistant Kiki, and you must be Angela!!!â€? From the way her small hand was shaking, Jake could sense that Angela was really nervous about posing, and he took great pains to ease her fears! “Say,â€? he said smoothly, “you are a very beautiful woman, and these pictures are a gift for your husband!?!â€? Angela shook her head and replied, “Our tenth wedding anniversary is coming up, and I decided to give Dave, he’s my husband, some intimate photos of me as a sorta surprise!â€? “Well,â€? Jake intoned brightly, “lots of women are doing just that very thing, and just between you and me, their husbands or boy friends just love it!!!â€? “Oh, I hope so,â€? Angela opined nervously, “I so much want to make him happy!!!â€? “Whatya say we start off with a few of you in the clothes you have on now, just to get you used to being in front of the camera,â€? Jake suggested! “Uh, okay,â€? Angela answered in a relieved voice, “that’s a good idea!!!â€? “Here,â€? Kiki said, “before we start have a drink of this, it will calm your nerves, it’s just white wine!â€? Angela took the glass, drained it, and asked, “What do I do first?!?â€? (more…)

The Warden

“Come along with me, Baker” prison guard Burt Ives ordered, “the new warden wants to see you in her office, pronto, so let’s step on it!!!” Stu Baker put down the piece of sheet metal he was forming and asked as they began to walk down a long corridor, “Am I in some sort of trouble, I’ve never even met the new warden!?!” “Not that I know of, Baker,” the guard replied curtly, “now just shut your mouth and you’ll find out soon enough!!!” “Christ alive,” Stuart thought to himself, “what the fuck could she want with me, I’m on schedule to be paroled in less than a year, I hope this dumb fuckin’ cunt doesn’t screw it up for me!!!” A few minutes later they were standing in the outer office of Warden Caitlyn Waters, the first female warden of a men’s prison in the state!!! Burt Ives handed the secretary the necessary paper work and offered, “Inmate Baker to see the warden, ma’am, I just brought him up from the metal shop!!!” After scanning the work release from, the secretary hit a switch on her intercom and said, “Stuart Baker is here to see you, Warden, should I have him wait or come right in!?!” The secretary handed the paper work back to Ives and said, “Go right on in, the warden is expecting you!!!”

As the two men entered the large well appointed office, Stu was a little bit surprised at the attractiveness of Caitlyn Waters, and he hoped against all hope that her disposition would be as pleasant as she looked!!! The warden was sitting behind her large oak desk going over some reports, and it took several seconds for her to even acknowledge their presence, until she finally looking up over the top of her wire rimmed glasses she said, “That will be all Officer Ives, you can wait outside until my meeting with inmate Baker is over!!!” Burt Ives looked back and forth between the warden and Stu before saying doubtfully, “now wait a minute, Warden Waters, I don’t think that it’s a good idea to leave you alone with an inmate!!!” “What are you worried about,” the warden retorted, “you’ll be right outside the door and Mr. Baker certainly isn’t carrying a weapon is he!?!” “Uh, well no,” Ives replied slowly, “it’s just that I don’t like it, that’s all!!!” “Well you’re on the record if anything goes wrong,” she replied smoothly, “so if you’ll please excuse us, we can get started!!!”

When they were finally alone, Caitlyn Waters picked up Stu’s file and asked softly, “Is it tough being a black man in prison without being a member of a gang!?!” “What is this,” he asked slowly, “and what do you care how tough it is, it’s not skin off your nose!?!” She gave him a thin smile, got up and walked around to the front of her desk where she sat down on in front of him and replied softly, “The reason I called for you is that I think we can help each other out!!!” “How can I help you,” he asked suspiciously!?! Her skirt had slid high up on her thigh, exposing the top of her stockings, and it instantly dawned on Stu what she had in mind as she sat there silently waiting for him to put it all together as her skirt rode higher and higher on her firm white thigh!!! “Now let me get this straight,” he asked slowly, “just so we don’t have any misunderstandings, you want me to, uh, take care of you, in exchange for what!?!” She leaned forward, letting her perfume waft up into his face as she replied softly, “You have a parole hearing coming up in a few months, and I can make sure that is goes very smoothly!!!” He leaned back in his chair, not quite believing what was happening, and then replying, “Okay, you’ve got yourself a deal, when do I start!?!”

In a now thick and husky voice she ordered, “Stand up and show me your cock, I just love black dick!!!” With a wry smile on his face, Stu stood up and dropped his pants and shorts, revealing his now semi hard erection to her very hungry eyes!!! She stared at the black intimidator and asked softly, “H-how long is it, it’s so huge!?!” “I dunno,” he replied off handedly, “I’ve never measured it, it’s always been long enough though, I ain’t never had no complaints!!!” With her eyes growing almost glassy she replied, “I’m sure you haven’t, now come over here and let mama feel her new toy!!!” Stu half stumbled with his pants still around his ankles, but with a half shuffling motion he finally was standing directly in front of Caitlyn Waters!!! She gently took him in her hand and mumbled softly, “It’s so beautiful, do you mind if I suck it!?!” “Uh, no problem,” he replied, “be my guest!!!” After sliding off the edge of the desk and after dropping to her knees, she gingerly licked the velvety head, causing it to jump a little, as it became more and more erect!!! She covered the head with tiny kisses before finally opening wide and letting the big head slip into her warm receptive mouth!!!

It had been along time since Stu had received a blow job, but to have the warden on her knees sucking him for all she as worth was truly and incredibly erotic experience!!! Growing more emboldened, he asked softly, “You like sucking black cock do you, well, baby, let me tell you something, you’re no different than every other white whore I’ve met, none of you can get enough black dick, you’re fucking addicted to it!!!” Hearing him use such course language turned her on even more as she tried desperately sucking the entire length of his cock down her throat!!! He chuckled a bit and offered, “Forget it, bitch, ain’t no way you’re gonna eat my whole rig, just be glad you get to eat the fucking head!!!” Sensing that he was about to blow his nut, she fisted the length of his shaft while sucking his head, and finally, as it began to spasm, she looked up directly into his eyes as he filled her mouth with life giving sperm!!! He let out a long low groan, remembering not to make too much noise with Officer Ives standing outside of the warden’s door, but it had been so long since he had shot a load into a bitch’s mouth that he could hardly contain himself!!!

“Jesus christ, bitch,” he sighed as he slumped back into his chair, “you got one hot fuckin’ mouth, you love suckin’ black cock don’t ya!?!” “Yeah, I do,” she replied softly while sitting on the edge of the desk with her dress hike up to her waist, “and now it’s your turn black boy, you’re gonna eat mama’s pussy for her, now get your ass over here and do me!!!” As he stared at her dark hairy muffy hidden between her firm thighs, Stu’s cock began to feel a slight twitching while he slid off the chair and crawled on all fours over to her drooling pussy!!! “That’ the way,” she cooed while holding open her lips, “Be a good boy and come to mama, mmmmmmmm, yes, that feels so nice, you black boys really know how to please a girl!!!” As he munched away on her fat wet cunt, he wasn’t sure if he cared for the “black boy” talk, but after three years in the slam and no pussy, he would have walked over hot coals to for the chance to eat a nice hot cunt!!! His tongue quickly found her hard little clit, and like a voracious wolf he viciously ate her until she was caught in a vortex of sexual delirium that erupted in an orgasm that left her flopped back on her desk with her legs splayed wide apart and drool running out of the corner of her mouth!!!

He stood up between her thighs and with a hard little laugh asked, “So, cunt, did the “black boy” do a good job on your lily white pussy!?!” Almost unable to speak, she nodded weakly and was about to reply, when all at once Stu took his nine inch hammer and rammed it hard into her unsuspecting pussy!!! Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head as he buried his meat deep inside of her while covering her mouth with her arm to keep from crying out!!! “Ya like that, don’t you cunt,” he spat while driving his spike in and out of her with brutal efficiency, “you’re a black cock loving whore, aren’t ya!?!” Her breathing was now quick and shallow, but she managed to gasp, “Fuck me harder you black mother fucker, give me all you’ve got, boy!!!” He couldn’t believe the mouth on this white slut, here he was practically raping the dumb bitch, and all she could do was urge him on with her hot potty mouth!!! “Okay,” he said through clenched teeth, “if you want it so much, I’m, gonna fuckin’ give it to ya,” and for the next two minutes he fucked her harder and more viciously that he had ever fucked anyone in his life!!!” Soon they were running on parallel tracks towards a simultaneous orgasm that was destined to go down as the best one either of them had ever had!!! “Oh, god,” she gasped while cupping her large breasts through her blouse, “f-fuck you’re good, oh god, you’re a fucking black fucking stud man, ohhhhhhhh my, fuck my fucking pussy!!!” “Finally,” he thought to himself, “a little respect, she called me man instead of boy,” as his cock stiffen just before it convulsed and sent a hot gusher of cum into the warden’s hot wet pussy!!!

The enormity of their cum was such that they both had forgotten where they were, and consequently they both screamed out in ecstasy as their climaxes tore through their shaking crotches!!! The door to the office burst open and a totally stunned Burt Ives stood in the doorway with his mouth hanging open!!! “I-I was just checking to see if you were all right, ma’am,” he stammered, while staring at the two of them still locked in their embrace!!! In what was now a very calm voice the warden replied, “Please go out and close the door behind you, officer, inmate Baker will be with you in a moment!!!” While still staring at them, Ives nodded dumbly and closed the door softly!!! With his dick still inside of her Stu asked in a worried voice, “Aren’t you worried about him, he could get us both in a lot of trouble!?!” “With a little chuckle she replied softly, “Don’t you worry about him, you just worry about taking care of my pussy, clear!?!” This bitch was beyond anything he had ever experienced, so when she tightened her pussy on his still half hard cock, he naturally began slowly moving in and out of her and replied, “Yes, ma’am, you’re the boss!!!

Stranger on the Train

Missy Edwards stared out the window and marveled at the Nevada scenery! “Unbelievable,” she mumbled to herself, as the landscape of rock, desert, and mountains flew by while she relaxed in comfort on the Amtrak super liner. “It is beautiful, isn’t it,” commented her seat mate, a young man who appeared to be college age? “”It’s fantastic,” Missy replied, “the mixture of colors and landscape, well, it’s just incredible!!!” “I think so too,” he responded, while extending his hand and introducing himself, “my name’s Doug, Doug Granger!” “Taking his hand and looking him in the eye, Missy replied, “Nice to meet you Doug, I’m Missy Edwards.” They continued to watch the scenery fly by, occasionally commenting on something that caught their fantasy, but mostly just riding along in silence. As the sun began to set, Doug checked his watch and opined, “It’s about dinner time, care to join me in the dining car, Missy?” Missy gave him another quick once over, and replied, “Why not, let’s go!”

The two dinner partners spent the next hour and a half telling each other about their lives and in general enjoying each others company. Missy found out that Doug was junior at a university in the Bay area, and that he was on his way home for summer vacation in Ohio. Missy on the other hand, regaled Doug with stories about her own children, one of which she had just visited in Sacramento. So here she was, a middle aged woman with grown children, having a wonderful dinner with a man less than half her age!!! To make matters even more interesting, Doug had a habit of touching Missy’s hand when he was making a point in conversation, and even though she would never admit it, she couldn’t help but feel electricity sparking through her body at his mere touch!!! Receiving the undivided attention of a handsome twenty year old was an unbelievable ego booster for a fifty something married woman, and much to her chagrin, she began to flirt shamelessly with her young seat mate! After a final glass of wine, the two of them returned to their seats and settled down for the evening. Doug put on a pair of headphones, reclined his seat, and proceeded to doze off, while Missy, still high from the wine and company of the young man, tried to sleep, but instead just stared out into the blackness of the night. A slight shiver went through her, and she signaled the porter that she would like a blanket, and immediately covered up and slipped off to sleep.

The motion of the train kept her from falling into a deep slumber, and periodically she would be roused to consciousness by the gentle swaying of the rail car. During one of these moments, and still slightly woozy, she was sure she felt a hand on the inside of her thigh!!! Struggling to open her eyes, she was engulfed by the darkness of the night, and was not sure exactly what was happening, but as her senses sharpened, she realized that she was right, Doug had slid his hand under her blanket and was caressing the inside of her leg!!! She started to say something, but Doug put a finger over her lips and whispered in her ear, “You are incredibly sexy, I just had to feel your body, do you mind?!?” Her head was spinning, but the insistent fingers moving up her thigh were causing her vagina to drool in sexual anticipation! “I’m old enough to be your mother,” she whispered into his ear!!! “No mother ever was as sexy as you are, ” he replied quickly, as his hand reached the front of her panties and he could feel her wetness, oh my,” he continued, “and no mother could ever be as wet as you!!!” “Y-y-you’re crazy,” she whispered hoarsely, “what if someone sees us?!?” “It’s after midnight,” he responded, “everyone else is asleep, and anyway, it’s almost pitch dark in here!!!” “Lean against my shoulder,” he ordered, “and let me do you, okay!?!” She didn’t answer, but when her head hit his shoulder, he knew he had her!!! Now with complete boldness, Doug slipped his fingers in side her panty crotch and began gently fingering the older lady’s cunt! “Are you always this wet,” he asked softly, “I’ve heard that older woman are much more easily aroused than the younger ones, and I must say I agree with that!!!” Missy turned her face towards Doug’s, their lips met, and while Doug’s finger penetrated Missy’s well oiled pussy, their tongues intertwined in a deep French kiss!!! They pulled away and Missy whispered into his ear, “I feel so slutty, it’s unbelievable!!!” “You’re not slutty,” he whispered back to her, “just your pussy!!!” Hearing him talk about her vagina like that was incredibly exciting, as her own husband was very staid and straight laced and never used such vulgar language! Now, taking a cue from him, she asked, “Is your cock hard!?!” “Feel for yourself,” he shot back!!! Through the darkness, Missy’s hand wound its way down his belly until it encountered a thick hardness hidden in his pants! “My, god,” she hissed softly, “you are hard as a rock!!!” “Blue steel, baby,” he replied, “you want it?!?” “We can’t,” she whispered harshly, “what if someone sees us?!?” Doug, ignoring her question, and using his free hand, undid his belt and zipper, and with a little effort pulled his meat into the cool night air. “Touch it, bitch,” he ordered, and with a shaky hand she encircled his member, gripping it tightly, and moaning softly at its thickness!!!

“Ever had one that big, baby,” he asked!?! “No, never,” she stammered, “it’s huge, and so hard!!!” “Do you still feel slutty,” he asked!?! “Oh, god,” she moaned softly, “so slutty, oh so slutty!!!” “Do you know what sluts do,” he pressed on!?! “What,” she replied in a thick voice!?! “They suck, bitch,” he retorted quickly, “do you understand me?!?” “Yes,” she answered softly, I understand,” and with that, she dropped her head into his lap and took his thick penis into her warm mouth!!! Doug, feeling the reverberation of a moan on the end of his dick, bored his fingers hard into Missy’s sloppy wet pussy! “Okay,” he said softly, “let’s do it, now!!!” Missy knew exactly what Doug had in mind, and with the abandonment of a two dollar whore, she licked a swallowed his incredible hardon until it was erupting in her throat! When the first splash of cum connected with her mouth, her pussy wrenched hard around Doug’s probing fingers, and her own orgasm ripped through her crotch like the train they were riding in!!!

Not wanting to let go of Doug’s pecker, Missy kept her head in his lap for another ten minutes or so, just savoring the taste and texture of the young stud’s prick!!! Finally, Doug pulled her up and again kissed her hard on the mouth. “We’ve got one more night to go,” he said, “are you glad!?!” Missy found his hard cock with her hand, squeezed it, and replied, “Is that answer enough for you?!?”

For the Money

Gwen Turner sat nervously while she waited for Miss Alden to read her resume’. “Hmmm,” she hummed while flipping the pages slowly, stopping now and then to take some notes that she scribbled on a yellow legal notepad on her desk. When she was finished she closed the resume’, […]

Sharing a Sleeper Berth

“I’m sorry, Miss Ross,” the conductor explained, “I know you have a reservation for a private berth, but due to over booking all we have left is a compartment for two. Your berth mate is a very attractive young woman , so we hope you can see your way clear to […]

The First Lady

“I’ll kill that fucking bastard,” screamed Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the President of the United States, “every fucking time I go out of town on his fucking business I have to hear stories about his incessant fucking around!!!” This wasn’t the first time that Jim Knox had heard this little […]

Her Mother

“Hi, Mrs. Sherman,” Steve said nervously, “Pam said you wanted to talk to me!” “That is correct young man,” she replied sternly, “sit down, please!!!” After taking his seat, Steve fidgeted a bit and after looking out the window offered, “Nice weather we’ve been having, isn’t it!?!” In almost a harsh tone, […]

Cindy’s Audition

“Wow, sweetheart! You look incredible!” David’s jaw had almost dropped to the floor once he saw his beautiful young wife emerge from the bedroom. David had never seen Cindy dressed in something so tight and skimpy before – except before or during their lovemaking sessions. But this time it was different, […]