Well, for those of you keeping score, I finally completed my move to my new place, facing a large wooded park, near pretty much everything but still pretty quiet. It’s nice to once again sleep in my own bed, sit at my own desk… old things feeling new again because the comfortable things you miss. The new stuff comes in with a new 42inch LCD 1080p HD TV, something I had considered for a while and finally got around to. New also is all the household appliances, so everything is working 100% and under service contracts for 5 years!
New also are some new adult oriented blogs I have put out, like Real Sexy Asians and Pure18 Teens. These blogs reflect the updates from a couple of the more popular sites out there, Mr Chews Asian Beaver and Pure18. They tend to update about weekly, as the sites roll out their new updates.
Anyway, I am getting settled and getting back to stuff, so certainly more updates to come 
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