Rab turned his gaze to the direction of the setting sun and said, “As I see it you have only one way to pay off. Allow your wife to be our guest at a party we’re having. It should be over when the sun comes up.”
Kevin knew what the man had in mind. He looked at Mary. She was looking at him with big brown frightened eyes. Kevin didn’t know if Mary had figured it out but he was certain that she was scared.
“I can’t do that to my wife,” said Kevin.
Rab put a huge arm around Kevin’s shoulder and said, “Kevin, you are in a tough situation. You can’t pay for the damage to my car and who knows when one of us might have neck trouble. That will cost a lot more. You don’t want the police. You have two choices. Either your wife joins us or we call the police.” He added with a toothy grin, “We’ll even invite you along too.”
Kevin said nothing.
Mary said, “Do something, Kevin. I don’t want to go with them.”
There was nothing Kevin could do. He thought for a moment about jumping into his truck and getting out of there. If only Mary had stayed in the truck. With her out of the truck there was no way both of them could make it. Kevin suspected that they were going to take Mary no matter what he did and probably rough him up pretty bad. If he agreed maybe they wouldn’t hurt him. They said they would take him along. At least he would be with Mary. He hoped they wouldn’t hurt her if he was there.