Tonight I’m catching up on some of my own personal Internet stuff – including my blog. Some of the stuff I did tonight forced me to look through some old folders of pictures I’ve taken through out the past ten years or so. Holy cow; It’s been a wild ride.
In 1997 I got pissed at life. I wasn’t making any forward progress, and kicked myself into high gear. So I went back to college. I was a bit older to go back to college and it was difficult to keep up with the “kids”. I looked at it as a challenge, thinking it would be my last chance to test myself. So I went for broke. I ran circles around everyone else even though most of my fellow students were half my age. I even graduated wth honors, but it was far from my last test in life.
Shortly before I graduated the dot com bubble burst, and computer jobs in Cali didn’t exist. I accepted what I thought would be a short term job in Phoenix, if only because I would be making slightly more money than I was currently making, plus commision, and it would get me out of Cali where the cost of living was so high. I got into the ground floor of a new company that was about to become highly profitable. My employer – a man named Steve Lightspeed– is someone I’ll never be able to repay. He kept his promises and took good care of me.
After five or so years of a rough job I stepped down, again thinking I was done. I took a paycut and went to work for a company I had always wanted to work for. I was having a blast with them when I got the call that changed my life. I got a phone call from someone at Playboy saying “You’ll be working for me in under three months”. I told him it wasn’t going to happen; I was done with high pressure / high stress jobs.
And I was wrong.
And here I am, working for Playboy, ready to put myself to the ultimate test and do something that’s never been done before because no one could do it. I’m ready.
I spent the past hour of my life talking to someone on ICQ whom I don’t know, yet he knows me by reputation because of the adult industry. He told me about his life, and gave me the impression that he looks up to me. I should have told him I was once homeless and living out of my car. He has the tools to make something with his life but it’s up to him to do it.
I’m off to Miami this weekend because, well, I’m bored and because I can. I thought about taking Raimi with me, but I think I’ll just go alone. I’ll update from the road.
Have a great weekend.