Some Unexpected Fun

Good sexual things don’t normally happen to me. I mean, I got my fair share of sex, but you know, nothing wonderful. Never does anything sexual just fall into my lap (no pun intended). Never, that was, until a couple months ago.

One night I was working late in the management building back at school. I was just done finishing one of my papers and I ventured down into the basement for a snack from one of the machines. It was almost midnight and I thought the only people in the building were me and the old security guard at the front of the building who only ever left his seat to take a leak and make some coffee. As I walked down the pseudo-gloomy hallway of the basement, past the unused classrooms and the broom closets, I could hear this strange sound. In a way, it sounded like heavy breathing (which should have tipped me off), but it also sounded like some air vent or another has sprung a small leak. It was coming from down the end of the hallway where it took a turn and ended at a series of utility rooms. Naturally, I was curious as to the source of the sound because if it was something in one of those rooms, I felt obligated to check it out and go tell the guard, lest the building do something like explode and take my education with it. I strolled down the hallway, listening intently to the sound as it grew louder. As I neared the end of the hallway, there was also the undertone of a different sound…something that sounded wet. This second sound ceased when I was but a few feet away. I strode the final few steps and turned the corner. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement, but in retrospect, I really shouldn’t have been. If I had half a brain I should have expected what I saw.

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